Jean-Marc Tallon

Head of Paris jourdan Sciences Economiques, UMR 8545.

Head of research, Paris School of Economics

Ecole d’Economie de Paris
Campus Jourdan

48, boulevard Jourdan 75014 Paris
5e étage, bureau 11
Tél : +33

Last update: March, 2025



Magistère Université Paris I, 1988
D.E.A Economie mathématique et Econométrie, Université Paris I, 1988
Ph.D. University of Pennsylvania, 1992
Chargé de Recherche, CNRS 1993-2001
Directeur de Recherche CNRS, 2001-
Professor, Paris School of Economics, 2008-



Sharing model uncertainty (with C. Hara, S. Mukerji and F. Riedel) , Feb.2025.
Older version
Efficient allocations under ambiguious model uncertainty . October 2022.

Coping with Imprecise Information: a Decision Theoretic Approach (with T. Gajdos and  J.C. Vergnaud).  Revised May 2005. This paper has been combined with an independent paper by T. Hayashi, into the joint paper Attitude toward Imprecise Information (published in the Journal of Economic Theory, 2008); Please cite the GHTV paper instead of this.

Contradicting Beliefs and Communication (with J.-C. Vergnaud and S. Zamir). EUREQua working paper 2003-13. January 2003.

Controverses et prise de décision (with T.Gajdos and J.-C. Vergnaud). EUREQua working paper 2002-74.



Alpha-maxmin an an aggregation of two selves (with A. Chateauneuf, J. H. Faro, and V. Vergopoulos), Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2024,vol.113, 103006.

Trading ambiguity: a tale of two heterogeneities  (with S. Mukerji and H. Ozsoylev)   International Economic Review, 2023, vol. 64, p.1127-1164

Tailored recommendations with E.Danan and T.Gajdos, Social Choice and Welfare, 2023, 60, p.15-34 (online version 2020).

Market allocations under ambiguity: a survey with A. Billot and S. Mukerji, Revue Economique, 2020, vol. 71, p.267-282.

Ambiguity Preferences and Portfolio Choices: Evidence from the Field, with M. Bianchi, Management Science, 2019, vol. 65, n°4, p.1486-1501. Online Appendix

Dynamically Consistent Preferences Under Imprecise Probabilistic Information, with F. Riedel and V. VergopoulosJournal of Mathematical Economics, 2018, vol.79, pp.117-124.

Ambiguity and the Historical Equity Premium, with F. Collard, S. Mukerji, and K. Sheppard. Quantitative Economics, 2018, vol.9, pp.945-993.

Flexible contracts, with P.Gottardi and P.Ghirardato. Games and Economic Behavior, 2017, vol 103, p. 145-167.

Robust Social Decisions, with E. Danan, T. Gajdos and B. Hill. American Economic Review, 2016, 106(9), pp. 2407–2425. A previous version of this paper was circulated under the title Aggregating Tastes, Beliefs, and Attitudes under Uncertainty, 2014.

Ambiguïté, comportements et marchés financiers, with M. Jeleva, Actualité Economique, 2016, vol. 92, p.351-383.

Harsanyi's aggregation theorem with incomplete preferences
, with E.Danan and T. Gajdos, American Economic Journal: Microeconomics, 2015,7(1), pp.61-69.

Aggregation of sets of von Neumann-Morgenstern utilities, with E.Danan and T. Gajdos, Journal of Economic Theory, 2013, Vol. 148(2), pp.663-688.

Decision theory under ambiguity, with J. Etner and M. Jeleva, Journal of Economic Surveys, 2012, Vol. 26 (2), pp. 234-270.

An experimental investigation of imprecision attitude and its relation with risk attitude and impatience, with M.Cohen and J.-C. Vergnaud. Theory and Decision, 2011, vol 71 (1), pp.81-110.

Are beliefs a matter of taste ? A case for Objective Imprecise Information, with R. Giraud. Theory and Decision, 2011 vol.71, (1), pp.23-32.

Representation and Aggregation of Preferences under Uncertainty, with T. Gajdos and  J.-C. Vergnaud, previous title: On the Impossibility of Preference Aggregation under Uncertainty, Journal of Economic Theory, 2008 ; vol N°141(1), pp.68-99.

A comment on ‘Ellsberg's 2-color experiment, portfolio inertia and ambiguity’ with Y. Higashi, S. Mukerji,  N. Takeoka, International Journal of Economic Theory, 2008, vol. 4, pp.433-444.

Attitude toward imprecise information with T. Gajdos, T. Hayashi, and J.-C. Vergnaud, Journal of Economic Theory 2008, vol N°140(1), pp.23-56.

Incertitude et information en économie de l'environnement. Choix privés et attitudes individuelles face à l'incertitude, with J.-C. Vergnaud, Revue Française d’Economie, 2007, vol XXII (2) pp.3-56.

Incertitude stratégique et sélection d’équilibre : deux applications. Revue d’Economie Industrielle, special issue « Processus de contagion et interactions stratégiques », n°114-115, p. 105-118, sept. 2006.

Beliefs and dynamic consistency
with J.-C. Vergnaud, chapter 7 in Knowledge, Beliefs and Economics, R. Arena and A. Festré eds, Edward Elgar publishers, 2006.

Monotone continuous multiple priors with M. Marinacci, F. Maccheroni, and A. Chateauneuf. Economic Theory, 2005 N°26 (4), pp.973-982.

Ambiguity aversion and the absence of debt indexation with S. Mukerji. Economic Theory, 2004, N°24(3), pp. 665-685. Longer version in Essays in Dynamic General Equilibrium Theory, Festschrift for David Cass, Studies in Economic Theory, Vol.20, A. Citanna, J. Donaldson, H. Polemarchakis, P. Siconolfi, S. Spear editors, Springer Verlag, 2005,  pp143-180.

An overview of economic applications of David Schmeidler's models of decision making under uncertainty. with S. Mukerj). Chapter 13 in Uncertainty in Economic Theory: A collection of essays in honor of David Schmeidler's 65th birthday, I. Gilboa ed, Routledge Publishers, 2004.

Communication among agents: a way to revise beliefs in KD45 Kripke structures with J.-C. Vergnaud and S. Zamir, Journal of Applied Non Classical Logic, 2004, N°14(4), pp.477-500.

Choice axioms for a positive value for information with J.-C. Vergnaud, chapter 14 in Cognitive Economics, P.Bourgine and J.P Nadal (eds), Springer Verlag, 2004.

Ambiguity aversion and the absence of wage indexation with S. MukerjiJournal of Monetary Economics, 2004, N°51(3), pp.653-670.

Decision making with imprecise probabilistic information with T. Gajdos and J.-C. Vergnaud Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2004, N°40(6), pp.647-681.

Ellsberg's 2-color experiment, portfolio inertia and ambiguity with S. Mukerji. Journal of Mathematical Economics, 2003, N°39 (3-4), pp.299-316. Correction in "Ellsberg's 2-color experiment, portfolio inertia and ambiguity" (with Y. Higashi, S. Mukerji,  N. Takeoka)

Fairness under uncertainty with T. Gajdos, Economics Bulletin, 2002, Vol. 4, N° 18,  1-7.

Quels outils pour l'expression des croyances dans l'incertain? with J.-C. Vergnaud, March 2002, Risques, n°49, pp.93-98.

Bargaining over an uncertain outcome: the role of beliefs, with A. Billot, A. Chateauneuf, and I. Gilboa. Decision in Economics and Finance, 2002, N°25(1), pp.33-45.

Beliefs and Pareto efficient sets: a remark with T. Gajdos. Journal of Economic Theory, 2002, N°102(2), pp.467-471.

Diversification, convex preferences and non-empty core in the Choquet expected utility model with A. Chateauneuf, Economic Theory, 2002, N°19(3), pp.509-523.

Sharing beliefs and the absence of betting in the Choquet expected  utility model, with A. Billot, A.Chateauneuf, and  I. Gilboa. Statistical Papers, N°43, 2002, pp.127-136.

Ambiguity aversion and incompleteness of financial markets with S. Mukerji. Review of Economic Studies, N°68(4), 2001, pp.883-904. Download the longer version

Optimal risk-sharing rules and equilibria with non-additive expected utility with A. Chateauneuf and R.A. Dana, Journal of Mathematical Economics, N°34(2), 2000, pp. 191-214.

Allais' trading process and the dynamic evolution of a market econnomy with J.M Courtault, Economic Theory, N°16 (2), 2000, pp.477-481.

Décision dans le risque et l'incertain: l'apport des modèles non-additifs with M. Cohen, Revue d'Economie Politique, N°110(5), 2000, pp.631-681.

Sharing beliefs: between agreeing and disagreeing
with A. Billot, A. Chateauneuf and,  I. Gilboa, Econometrica,  N°68 (3), 2000, pp.685-694.

Pessimisme et absence d'échange sur les marchés financiers, Revue d'Economie Politique, N°110(2), 2000, pp.231-241.

Unawareness and Bankruptcy: a General Equilibrium Model
with S.Modica and A.Rustichini, Economic Theory, N°12 (2), 1998, pp.259-292.

Asymetric Information, Non-Additive Expected Utility and the Information Revealed by Prices: An Example, International Economic Review, N°39, 1998, pp.329-342.

Do sunspots matter when agents are Choquet-expected-utility maximizers? Journal of Economic Dynamics and Control,N° 22, 1998, pp.357-368.

Equilibre général. Une introduction Vuibert, 1997.

Risque microéconomique et prix d’actifs dans un modèle d’équilibre général avec espérance d’utilité dépendante du rang, Finance, Revue de l'Association Française de Finance, N° 18, 1997,  pp. 139-153.

Risque microéconomique, aversion à l'incertitude et indétermination de l'équilibre, Annales d'Economie et de Statistique, N°48, 1997, pp.211-226.

Optimalité de la politique monétaire dans une économie financière de marchés, with F. Portier, Revue d'Economie Politique, N°3, 1996, pp. 451-464.

On Multiple Equilibria and the Rational Expectations Hypothesis, Economic Theory, N°7, 1996,pp 113-124.

On the Non-Neutrality and Optimality of Monetary Policy when Financial Markets are Incomplete: A Macroeconomic Perspective, withF.Portier, Ricerche Economiche, N°49, pp.33-49, 1995.

Théorie de l'équilibre général avec marchés financiers incomplets, Revue Economique, N°6, 1995, pp 1207-1241.

Real Indeterminacy of Equilibria in a Sunspot Economy with Inside Money, with S.Suda and  A.Villanacci, Economic Theory, N°2, 1992, pp.309-319.