Ekaterina Zhuravskaya
Directrice d'études, EHESS
Professor of Economics, Paris School of Economics
Scroll down for the lists of my published articles (in reversed chronological order) and working papers (below)
Independent Media, Progaganda, and Religiosity: Evidence from Poland
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2024) 16(4):361-403 (with Irena Grosfeld, Seyhun Orcan Sakalli, and Etienne Madinier)(Haiku)State propaganda
and free TVN compete.
Hearts of pious beat.
Diffusion of Gender Norms: Evidence from Stalin's Ethnic Deportations
Journal of the European Economic Association (2024) 22(2):475-527 (with Antonela Miho and Alexandra Jarotschkin) Replication files(Haiku)Origin of norms:
Kazakh girls act as German.
Stalin is surprised.
New Russian Economic History
Journal of Economic Literature (2024) 62(1):47-114 (with Andrei Markevich and Sergei Guriev)
Nation Building: Big Lessons from Successes and Failures (Edited volume)
CEPR book (2023) (edited jointly with Dominic Rohner) See, in particular, our introductory chapter: Nation Building: What Could Possibly Go Wrong?
Checking and Sharing Alt-Facts
American Economic Journal: Economic Policy (2022) 14(3):55-86 (with Emeric Henry and Sergei Guriev). Replication files(Haiku)Would I share stories,
for which there is fact-checking?
no, I'd rather pass...
3G Internet and Confidence in Government
Quarterly Journal of Economics (2021), 136(4): 2533–2613 (with Sergei Guriev and Nikita Melnikov). Replication files(Haiku)Bolsonaro won.
Fake stories flooded WhatsApp.
You can thank 3G.
Political Effects of the Internet and Social Media (survey)
Annual Review of Economics (2020) 12: 415-438 (with Maria Petrova and Ruben Enikolopov).(Haiku)Created for fun,
Facebook changed everything.
Who is laughing now?
Forced Migration and Human Capital: Evidence from Post-WWII Population Transfers
American Economic Review (2020), 110(5): 1430-63 (with Sascha Becker, Irena Grosfeld, Pauline Grosjean, Nico Voigtländer). Replication files(Haiku)Kresy cradle lost,
Poles felt great sorrow. Who knew,
their children would thrive?
Facts, Alternative Facts, and Fact Checking in Times of Post-Truth Politics
Journal of Public Economics (2020), 182: 104123 (with Oscar Barrera, Emeric Henry, and Sergei Guriev). Replication files(Haiku)To counter fake news,
fact-checking - ineffective.
Le Pen knows it well.
Middleman Minorities and Ethnic Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms in the Russian Empire
Review of Economic Studies (2020), 87(1): 289–342 (with Irena Grosfeld and Seyhun Orcan Sakalli). Replication files(Haiku)Drought killed the harvest,
Tsar is assassinated.
Middlemen beware...
Attack When the World is Not Watching? U.S. News and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict
Journal of Political Economy (2018), 126 (3): 1085-1133 (with Ruben Durante). Replication files(Haiku)When world looks away,
it's the best moment to kill.
The war is ugly.
Economic Effects of the Abolition of Serfdom: Evidence from the Russian Empire
American Economic Review (2018), 108(4-5): 1074–1117 (with Andrei Markevich). Replication files(Haiku)Serfdom abolished -
Good! But, the peasant commune
is not much better.
Corruption in Procurement and the Political Cycle in Tunneling: Evidence from Financial Transactions Data
American Economic Journal: Economic policy (2016), 8(2): 287–321 (with Maxim Mironov). Replication files(Haiku)Costly corruption:
Politicians and business
better left apart.
The Limits of Career Concerns in Federalism: Evidence from China
Journal of the European Economic Association (2016), 14(2): 338–374 (with Petra Persson). Replication files(Haiku)Chinese officials
respect forbidden city,
though love their home town!
Radio and the Rise of Nazis in Pre-War Germany
Quarterly Journal of Economics (2015), 130(4): 1885-1939 (with Maja Adena, Ruben Enikolopov, Maria Petrova, Veronica Santarosa). Replication files(Haiku)Put Goebbels in charge
of radio propaganda?
Winter is coming!
Cultural vs. Economic Legacies of Empires: Evidence from the Partition of Poland
Journal of Comparative Economics (2015), 43: 55-75 (with Irena Grosfeld). Replication files(Haiku)Economic force
erases legacies, but
culture is stronger.
Cross-border Media and Nationalism: Evidence from Serbian Radio in Croatia
American Economic Journal: Applied Economics (2014), 6(3): 103-32 (with Stefano DellaVigna, Ruben Enikolopov, Maria Petrova, and Vera Mironova). Replication files(Haiku)The Serbian radio's
unintended consequence:
Croats feel uneasy.
Persistent Anti-Market Culture: A Legacy of the Pale of Settlement after the Holocaust
American Economic Journal: Economic policy (2013), 5(3): 189–226 (with Irena Grosfeld and Alexander Rodnyansky).(Haiku)Goy's fear of markets:
Is there anything out there
Jews are not blamed for?
The Unequal Enforcement of Liberalization: Evidence from Russia's Reform of Business Regulation
Journal of the European Economic Association (2013), 11(4): 808–838 (with EvgenyYakovlev).(Haiku)Small businesses hate
regulation of entry,
officials love it.
Everyone Hates Privatization, but Why? Survey Evidence from 28 Post-Communist Countries
Journal of Comparative Economics (2012) 40: 44–61 (with Irina Denisova, Markus Eller, Timothy Frye).(Haiku)Privatization
and nonmarketable skills
M-form hierarchy with poorly-diversified divisions: a case of Khrushchev’s reform in Soviet Russia
Journal of Public Economics (2011) 95: 1550–1560 (with Andrei Markevich).(Haiku)Khrushchev-reformer
dismantled the ministries,
regretted later.
Media and Political Persuasion: Evidence from Russia
American Economic Review (2011) 101: 3253–3285 (with Ruben Enikolopov and Maria Petrova).
Segregation and the Quality of Government in a Cross-Section of Countries
American Economic Review (2011) August 101: pp. 1872–1911 (with Alberto Alesina). Data, Appendix with supplementary materialsInterest Group Politics in a Federation
Journal of Public Economics (2010) 94: 730–748 (with Sergei Guriev and Evgeny Yakovlev).Why Russia is Not South Korea
Journal of International Affairs (2010), 63 (2): 125-139 (with Sergei Guriev).Businessman Candidates
American Journal of Political Science (2010), 54(3): 718–736 (with Scott Gehlbach and Konstantin Sonin). Appendix with supplementary materials, Data and replication dofilesWhat do Russians Think about Transition?
Economics of Transition (2010), 18(2): 249–280 (with Irina Denisova, Markus Eller).Who Wants to Revise Privatization? The Complementarity of Market Skills and Institutions
American Political Science Review (2009), 103(2): 284-304 (with Irina Denisova, Markus Eller, Timothy Frye). Data(Un)Happiness in Transition
Journal of Economic Perspectives (2009), 23 (2): 143–168 (with Sergei Guriev). Appendix with data and methodology description and robustness checksState Capture: From Yeltsin to Putin
in Corruption, Development and Institutional Design. J. Kornai, L. Matyas and G. Roland (eds.), (2009) Palgrave Macmillan, New York NY (with Evgeny Yakovlev). DataDecentralization and Political Institutions
Journal of Public Economics (2007), vol. 91: 2261–2290 (with Ruben Enikolopov). DataAre Russian Commercial Courts Biased? Evidence from a Bankruptcy Law Transplant
Journal of Comparative Economics ( 2007) , Vol. 35 : 254–277 (with Ariane Lambert and Konstantin Sonin).Lowering the Cost of Capital in Emerging Market Economies
in Beyond Transition. Proceedings of the 18th ABCDE. F. Bourguignon and B. Pleskovic (eds.), (2007) World Bank, Washington DC (with Erik Berglof, Patric Bolton, Sergei Guriev).Whither Russia? A review of Andrei Shleifer's Normal Country
Journal of Economic Literature (2007), Vol. XLV: 127–146.Who are China’s Entrepreneurs?
American Economic Review, Papers and Proceedings (2006), pp. 248-352 (with S. Djankov, Y. Qian, G. Roland).Entrepreneurship in China and Russia Compared
Journal of the European Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings (2006), 4(2–3):352–365 (with S. Djankov, Y. Qian, G. Roland).Who are Russia’s Entrepreneurs?
Journal of the European Economic Association, Papers and Proceedings ( 2005), 3(2–3):587–597 (with S. Djankov, E. Miguel, Y. Qian, G. Roland).Laws for Sale: Evidence from Russia
American Law and Economics Review (2005), vol. 7 No. 1, pp. 284-318 (with Irina Slinko and Evgeny Yakovlev). DataOpportunistic Political Cycles: Test in a Young Democracy Setting
Quarterly Journal of Economics (2004), 1301-1338 (with Akhmed Akhmedov). DataFederal Tax Arrears in Russia: Liquidity Problems, Federal Redistribution, or Regional Protection?
Economics of Transition (2004), Vol. 12 (3), pp. 373–398 (with Maria Ponomareva). DataDoes Arbitrage Flatten Demand Curves for Stocks?
Journal of Business (2002), vol. 75, no. 4, pp. 583-608 (with Jeffey Wurgler). DataRackets, Regulation and the Rule of law
Journal of Law, Economics and Organization (2000), Vol. 16, N.2, pp. 478-502 (with Tinothy Frye).Incentives to Provide Local Public Goods: Fiscal federalism – Russian style
Journal of Public Economics (2000), vol. 76, pp. 337–368.
Working Papers:
Curtailing False News, Amplifying Truth
(with Sergei Guriev, Emeric henry, and Theo Marquis) Revise & Resubmit at Econometrica. This draft: October 2023.(Haiku)Build a bridge between
theory and empirics -
get novel insights.
Reading Twitter in the Newsroom: Web 2.0 and Traditional-Media Reporting of Conflicts
(with Sophie Hatte and Etienne Madinier) This draft: February 2022.(Haiku)Bibi or Farah -
who wins the TV duel?
Twitter will decide.
The Economics of Nation-Building: Methodological Toolkit and Policy Lessons
(with Dominic Rohner) This draft: August 2024. Submitted to the Annual Review of Economics(Haiku)While nation rises,
Minorities get badly hurt.
Policies may fail.
Control through empowerment: Evidence from Soviet Nation-building in Central Asia
(with Paul Castañeda Dower and Andrei Markevich), draft coming soon(Haiku)Colonialism?
Lenin turned it on its head
by building nations.
Ongoing Projects:
The Economic and Cultural Effects of Russia's Colonization of Central Asia (co-authored with Gani Aldashev)
Link to my ERC project website