Ariell Reshef - Directeur de Recherche de CNRS Centre d'Economie de la Sorbonne, CES Maison des Sciences Economiques 106-112 Boulevard de l'Hopital 75647 Paris Cedex 13 Director of the PSE Summer School - CEPII, Scientific Advisor - Fellow member in CESifo - Email:
ariell.reshef[@] - CV - Google scholar page | SSRN
page | Ideas page - Teaching
- Paris School of Economics, Associate Member
Automation, Techies and Labor Market Restructuring (with Farid Toubal)
In Stephane Carcillo & Stefano Scarpetta, Eds., Handbook on Labour Markets in Transition, 2024, Edward Elgar Publishing.
Automation, Global Value Chains and Functional Specialization (with Lionel Fontagne, Gianluca Santoni and Giulio Vannelli)
Review of International Economics, Volume 23, Issue 2, 2024, pp. 662-691.
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Are Your Labor Shares Set in Beijing? The View Through the Lens of Global Value Chains (with Gianluca Santoni)
European Economic Review, Volume 155, June 2023
The March of the Techies: Job Polarization Within and Between Firms (with James Harrigan and Farid Toubal)
Research Policy, Volume 50, Issue 7, September 2021.
Related book in French, and Why we think that France Strategie gets it wrong on polarization in France
Do Central Bank Governors Matter? Macroeconomic Policy, Regulation and the Financial Sector (with Prachi Mishra)
Journal of Money, Credit and Banking, Vol. 51, Nos. 2-3, (March-April 2019), pp. 370-402. Programs and data.
In the media: related articles I wrote for Le Monde, Le Monde (about Christine Lagarde), The Coversation (in French)
The Surprising Instability of Export Specializations (with Diego Daruich and William Easterly)
Journal of Development Economics, 137, March 2019, pp. 36-65.
NBER working paper No. 22869.Wages and Human Capital in Finance:
International Evidence, 1970–2011 (with
Hamid Boustanifar and Everett Grant)
Review of Finance, Volume 22, Issue 2, 1 March 2018, pp. 699–745. Finalist (out of six) for the Pagano and Zechner Prize. Online appendix.
Export Successes: Surprises, Stylized Facts and Explanations (with William Easterly)
In David N. Weil, Sebastian Edwards and Simon Johnson (eds.), African Successes: Modernization and Development, 2016, NBER/University of Chicago Press. Interviews
the NBER digest. NBER Workig Paper No. 16597
In the media: New
York Times Magazine
Skill Biased
Heterogeneous Firms, Trade Liberalization and the Skill Premium (with James Harrigan)
Canadian Journal of Economics, 48(3), 2015. Appendix. Matlab Programs.
NBER Working Paper No. 17604 version.
International Look at the Growth of Modern Finance (with Thomas Philippon)
Journal of Economic Perspectives, 27(2), Spring 2013, pp. 73–96. Symposia: The Growth of the Financial Sector. Online appendix.
In the media: New York Times
Is Technological Change
Biased Towards the Unskilled in Services? An Empirical Investigation
Review of Economic Dynamics, 16 (2013) pp. 312–331. Online
appendix. Programs and data (zip).
(A previous version of this paper circulated under the title “Skill
Biased Technological Change in Services”)
and Human Capital in the U.S. Financial Industry: 1909–2006 (with Thomas Philippon)
The Quarterly Journal of Economics,
127(4), November 2012, pp. 1551–1609. Lead article.
Online appendix. Data.
NBER Working Papaer No. 14644
version (also CPER discussion paper 7282).
In the media, and other citations:
- New York Times: Paul
Krugman and Floyd
Norris op-eds, Andrew
Ross Sorkin, Bruce Bartlett, and others February
4, 2009, February
5, 2009, August
14, 2009
- The Economist: Special report on October 13, 2012, February 7, 2009, May
28, 2009, January 20, 2011.
- Financial Times: Martin
Wolf (April 14 and April 15, 2009), Gillian Tett (April 6, 2009 and January 30, 2012), Daniel
Schäfer (June 13, 2012 and March 24, 2013)
- Wall Street Journal, and on May 14, 2009 (see related figure) September 10, 2009, October 29, 2012.
- Featured in 13
Bankers, by James Kwak and Simon
Johnson. Paper
of the Year by The Baseline
- Winner-take-all
Politics, by Jacob Hacker & Paul Pierson.
- Written
Testimony for the House Oversight Committee Hearing on Hedge Funds,
Andrew Lo, November 13, 2008.
- Other newspapers: Le Monde (also here), Les Echos (also on here), Handelsblatt, Haaretz.
- NPR interview on Planet Money and related article.
- BBC interview
with Gillian Tett.
Does Capital Flow to Rich States? (with Sebnem Kalemli-Ozcan,
Bent Sorensen and Oved Yosha)
Review of Economics and Statistics,
November 2010, 92(4), pp. 769–783. Programs and data.
Old NBER WP 11301 version.
Working papers
Biased Financial Development: Education, Wages and Occupations in the U.S.
Financial Sector (with Thomas Philippon)
NBER Working Paper No. 13437
Hits in Manufacturing Exports and Development (with William Easterly)
Work in progress
Policy papers
Old papers
Heckscher-Ohlin and the Global Increase of Skill Premia: Factor Intensity Reversals to the Rescue
Power of Exports (with William Easterly and Julia Schwenkenberg)
World Bank Policy Research WP 5081.
Trade and Harmonization: If Your Institutions Are Good, Does It
Matter If They Are Different? (with Roumeen Islam)
Old version: World Bank Policy
Research WP 3907