Videos about the results of the project made by CEPR and UBS within the Women in Economics CEPR-UBS series of portraits:



- "Middleman Minorities and Ethnic Violence: Anti-Jewish Pogroms in the Russian Empire" Grosfeld, Sakalli, and Zhuravskaya. (Review of Economic Studies, 2020)

The map of anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian empire:


The timing of the anti-Jewish pogroms in the Russian Empire depended on economic and political shocks:

pogroms in the Russian Empire


- "Forced Migration and Human Capital: Evidence from Post-WWII Population Transfers" Becker, Grosfeld, Grosjean, Voigtländer, and Zhuravskaya. (American Economic Review, 2020)

The map of mass displacements. The dots indicate the pre-war origin of people who live in blue areas after the WWII Current population of Western Territories has very different origins:

Map from the paper about Forced Migration of Poles

For the data from the Ancestry survey click here.

The forced displacements had an effect of human capital accumulation. The forced migramnts are better educated than other Poles in cohorts that were educated after the forced migration and not better in cohorts that were educated before the forced migration:


- "Attack When the World is Not Watching? U.S. News and the Israeli-Palestinian Conflict" Ruben and Zhuravskaya (Journal of Political Economy, 2018)

The effect of the presence of other newsworthy events on the probability of attaks on two sides of the conflict, present for the IDF and absent for Palestinians:

- "Facts, Alternative Facts, and Fact Checking in Times of Post-Truth Politics" Barrera, Henry, Guriev, Zhuravskaya (Journal of Public Economics, 2020)

Voting intentions after Fake News and Fact Checking treatments compared to the control group for all respondents and for respondents with anti-immigrant bias in prior information:


- "Diffusion of Gender Norms:Evidence from Stalin’s Ethnic Deportations" Miho, Jarochkin, and Zhuravskaya (Journal of European Economic Association, forthcoming)

Progressive gender attitudes and the share of protestant deportees across deportation destimations within regions:


- "Independent Media, Propaganda, and Religiosity: Evidence from Poland" Grosfeld, Madinier, Sakalli, and Zhuravskaya

Predicted signal strength of the independent TV in Poland:


The effect of the independent TV on the decision of take Holy Communion before and after PiS came to power:


- Check out also a CNRS video made for the ceremony of presenting Ekaterina Zhuravskaya with a Silver medal of CNRS.