
"Measuring sex-selective abortion: How many women abort?" (with Aditi Dimri and Véronique Gille)
Accepted at Journal of Development Economics

"Short and simple confidence intervals when the directions of some effects are known" (with Adam McCloskey)
Accepted at Review of Economics and Statistics
[abstract|paper|Matlab code]
Stata code available from SSC archive: type "ssc install ssci"

"Testing overidentifying restrictions with a restricted parameter space"
Economics Letters, December 2019, 185, 108743
[abstract|paper|supplementary material]

"On asymptotic size distortions in the random coefficients logit model"
Journal of Econometrics, October 2019, 212(2), pp. 413-432

"Subvector inference when the true parameter vector may be near or at the boundary"
Journal of Econometrics, December 2018, 207(2), pp. 285-306
[abstract|paper|supplementary material]

Working papers

Allowing for weak identification when testing GARCH-X type models

Code for the Random Coefficients Logit Model

This Matlab code estimates the Random Coefficients Logit Model with respect to variances rather than standard deviations, as suggested in "On asymptotic size distortions in the random coefficients logit model." It also implements the estimator proposed in "Subvector inference when the true parameter vector may be near or at the boundary" and the modified J-statistic proposed in "Testing overidentifying restrictions with a restricted parameter space." It is a modified version of the code that can be found on Professor Dubé's website and uses the MPEC formulation of the estimation problem.