Luc Behaghel
- Paris School of Economics - INRAE
- 48, boulevard Jourdan
- 75014 PARIS
- Tel. : +33 1 80 52 16 87
- Mail : luc.behaghel[@]
Current position
- INRAE Researcher, UMR Paris-Jourdan Sciences Economiques (PjSE)
- Professor at the Paris School of Economics
- J-PAL affiliate. Co-chair of European Social Inclusion Initiative, Displaced Livelihoods Initiative, and Humanitarian Initiative
- IZA Research fellow
- Co-director of the "Labor" program at CEPREMAP
Research fields
- Evaluation of public policy: rural development, educational policies, labor market policies
- Development economics: agricultural technologies and extension, intra-household inequality
- Labour economics: employment of older workers, training, technological change, employment protection
- 2021-... : Professor at the Paris School of Economics
- 2009-2020 : Associate Professor at the Paris School of Economics
- 2008: Visiting Researcher at the National Bureau of Economic Research (NBER)
- 2005-... : Researcher at INRAE
- 2001-2004: PhD thesis
- 2000-2001: Consultant at McKinsey & Cie, Paris
- 1998-99: Economic advisor at Programme d'analyse des systèmes éducatifs (PASEC), Dakar, Senegal
- 1997-1998: Visiting fellow, Harvard University
- 1997: DEA of Development Economics, Université Paris I - Sorbonne
- 1997: Agrégation de sciences sociales
- 1994-2002: Ecole Normale Supérieure (ENS Ulm, Paris)
Published papers
- The Potential of Recommender Systems for Directing Job Search: A Large-Scale Experiment (with S. Dromundo, M. Gurgand, Y. Hazard, T. Zuber), Econometrica , conditionnally accepted.
- Coile C, Wise D, Boersch-Supan A, et al. Social security and retirement around the world: lessons from a long-term collaboration. Journal of Pension Economics and Finance , published online 2024:1-23.
- Extended maternity leave and children's long-term development (with M.F. Pinto)), Scandinavian Journal of Economics , 2024, 126: 224-253.
- Estimating the effect of treatments allocated by randomized waiting lists (with C. de Chaisemartin), Econometrica , 2020, 88(4), pages 1453-77. Web appendix.
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- Commentaire de l'article 'L'objectivité sous contrôle', de Claire Vivès (with M. Gurgand and B. Crépon), Revue française de sociologie, 2019, 60(3), pages 483-87.
- Quarante ans d'analyse du travail et de l'emploi : points de vue de quatre économistes
(with P. Askenazy, M. Laouenan and D. Meurs), Travail et emploi, 2019, 158(2), pages 69-93.
- How can randomised controlled trials help improve the design of the common agricultural policy? (with K. Macours and J. Subervie), European Review of Agricultural Economics, 2019, 46(3), pages 473-93.
- Ready for boarding? The effects of a boarding school for disadvantaged students (with C. de Chaisemartin and M. Gurgand), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2017, 9(1), pages 140-64.
- IT-based Technical Change and Job Instability (with J. Moschion), Scandinavian Journal of Economics, 2016, 118(1), pages 79-104.
- Please Call Again: Correcting Non-Response Bias in Treatment Effect Models (with B. Crépon, M. Gurgand and T. Le Barbanchon), Review of Economics and Statistics, 2015, 97(5), pages 1070-1080. Stata command.
- Unintended Effects of Anonymous Resumes (with T. Le Barbanchon and B. Crépon), American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2015, 7(3), pages 1-27.
- Replacing Churches and Mason Lodges? Tax Exemptions and Rural Development (with A. Lorenceau and S. Quantin), Journal of Public Economics, 2015, 125(C), pages 1-15.
- Private and Public Provision of Counseling to Job-Seekers: Evidence from a Large Controlled Experiment, with B. Crépon and M. Gurgand, American Economic Journal: Applied Economics, 2014, 6(4), pages 152-74.
- Age Biased Technical and Organisational Change, Training and Employment Prospects of Older Workers, with E. Caroli and M. Roger, Economica, 2014, 81(322), pages 368-89.
- L'accompagnement personnalisé des demandeurs d'emploi: les enseignements de trois expériences contrôlées menées en France, with B. Crépon, M. Gurgand, T. Kamionka, L. Lequien, R. Rathelot and P. Zamora, Revue française d'économie, XXVIII, 2013, pages 123-58.
- Framing Social Security Reform: Behavioral Responses to Changes in the Full Retirement Age, with D. Blau, American Economic Journal: Economic Policy, 4(4), 2012, pages 41-67.
- Information and Communication Technologies and Skill Upgrading: the Role of Internal vs External Labour Markets, with E. Caroli and E. Walkowiak, Oxford Economic Papers, 64(3), 2012, pages 490-517.
- Training and Age-Biased Technical Change, with Nathalie Greenan, Annals of Economics and Statistics, 2010, 99-100, pages 317-42.
- The Perverse Effects of Partial Employment Protection Reform: The Case of French Older Workers, with Bruno Crépon and Béatrice Sédillot, Journal of Public Economics, Volume 92, Issues 3-4, April 2008, pages 696-721.
- La dynamique des inégalités de revenu en France rurale et urbaine (1984-2002), Economie et statistique, 415-416, 2008, pages 97-120.
- La protection de l'emploi des travailleurs agés en France : une étude de la contribution Delalande, Annales d'économie et de statistique, 85, 2007, pages 41-80.
- Emploi des seniors : des effets du changement technologique aux recommandations, Comment on a paper by Ananian and Aubert, Economie et statistique, 379, 2006.
- Changement technologique et formation tout au long de la vie, Revue économique, 57(6), November 2006.
- Contribution Delalande et transitions sur le marché du travail, with Bruno Crépon and Béatrice Sédillot, Economie et statistique, 372, February 2005.
- Insécurité de l'emploi : le rôle protecteur de l'ancienneté a-t-il baissé en France ?, Economie et statistique, 366, December 2003.
Work in progress
Evaluation projects and reports
Book chapters
- Retirement, Early Retirement, and Disability: Explaining Labor Force Participation after Fifty-Five in France, with Didier Blanchet and Muriel Roger, in Wise D. (Ed.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World. Disability Insurance Programs and Retirement, University of Chicago Press, 2016.
- Disability and Social Security Reforms: The French Case, with Didier Blanchet, Muriel Roger and Thierry Debrand, in Wise D. (Ed.), Social Security Programs and Retirement around the World. Historical Trends in Mortality and Health, Employment, and Disability Insurance Participation and Reforms, University of Chicago Press, 2012.
- From Internal to Transitional Labour Markets? Firms Restructuring and Early Retirement in France, with Jérôme Gautié, in Anxo, D., C. Erhel & J.J. Schippers (Eds.), 2007, Labour Market Transitions and Time Adjustment over the Life Course, Amsterdam: Dutch University Press.
- Economie de l'éducation, collection Repères, La Découverte, Paris 2024, avec Julien Grenet et Marc Gurgand. (>Prix du livre d'économie de l'AFSE 2024)
- Lire l'économétrie, collection Repères, La Découverte, Paris 2006.
- Manuel pratique d'évaluation des systèmes éducatifs, with Paul Coustère, Dakar, 2000 (download Part 1 and Part 2).
- VoxDev round table on Making huma nitarian aid more effective, 2025.
- De l'argent pour les bons élèves ou un contrat pour les projets de classe?, Mediapart, 2009.
- CV anonyme: ce que dit l'évaluation, Libération, 11/04/2011.
- N'abandonnons pas trop vite les internats d'excellence!
, Le Monde, 15/05/2013.
- Les carnets de l'économie (France Culture, June 2015). 1. Qu'est-ce que l'économétrie?
2. L'évaluation des politiques publiques.
3. Le CV anonyme.
4. L'accompagnement renforcé des demandeurs d'emploi.
- L'aide publique au développement des anciens pays riches est en passe de devenir marginale, Le Monde, 12/04/2018 (avec Esther Duflo).
- Mesurer l'impact des politiques publiques est un exercice indispensable, Le Monde, 5/07/2018 (avec un collectif de chercheurs).
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